Emmanuel invites all those regularly involved with us to become part of a ‘home group’.
There are presently four such groups, each meets fortnightly for prayer and a Bible-study or discussion about a specific issue. These groups become like ‘family’ for those who belong to them and so they support one another, and often meet socially e.g. summer barbecues.
Details of Home Group timings can be found on our Calendar page.

Home Groups study various subjects due to each group's changing needs and interest.
We usually start with refreshments morning coffee for the morning session and the evening ones often start with a meal. Not only do we study Gods word but we are also a support network offering pastoral care.
When a group becomes too large, it's time to split into two!
The 3 groups that meet on a regular basis are:
Park Farm group meets on a Tuesday evening.
Churchward group meets on a Wednesday morning, normally led by our minister.
Sandbourne group meets on a Thursday evening at various homes.